So, who are you?
We are SUP Comedy, Frankfurt’s first English comedy company, established back in mid 2011.
And what do you do?
We run various stand-up comedy shows in Frankfurt and Frankfurt Rhine-Main metropolitan region, in both English and German. We offer comedians a stage to perform and our audiences a comfortable place to come and forget about their worries and enjoy a good laugh.
We develop new-comers and also bring experienced comedians from outside Germany to share stories and thrill our audiences.
We also produce comedy shows to tour at major International Comedy Festivals around the world. Our hit show ‘Joke Life’ has returned from a recent run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Who do you plan the events for?
Performers need a stage, a home to showcase their talents and grow. Our audience members need an inviting place to make new friends, have a few drinks and to share some laughs.
We plan events for the artistic and general community.
Community is very important to us. We have a lot of regular fans who keep coming back and really identify with the show. They love having a chat.
Then we have the performer community, where a lot of these comics all started together at SUP shows and became a part of the family.
That’s why we love doing these shows and always welcome new audiences.
Where could people find out more?
On Meetup (English)
SUP English Stand-Up Comedy
This is a group for anyone who loves the English stand up comedy shows held in Frankfurt am Main by Sup comedy every…
On Meetup (German)
SUP Deutsch Stand Up Comedy
Dies ist eine Gruppe für jeden der Deutsch Stand Up Comedy liebt. Wir haben eine Show einmal im Monat in der Circus…
On facebook (English):
Sup Comedy
See contact information and details about Sup
On facebook (German)
SUP Deutsche Comedy
SUP Deutsche Comedy. 1,110 likes · 8 talking about this. Halten Sie sich über die beliebtesten deutschen Stand Up…
And of course on our website:
SUP Comedy
SUP Comedy provides info on Frankfurt's most popular English stand-up comedy