05. - 11. Jun 2023 🍒
👩💻🛠️🍏 WWDC
🎭🕶️💬 XR Stammtisch
👩💻🪙⚖️ MiCA & AML Regulations
👩💻🛠️🧑🏫 Postgres
🎓💡🌱 Unibator
👩💻🛠️💎 Ruby
🇩🇪🤝🇨🇳 Intelligent Manufacturing
Am Horizont 🔭
👥🧠🎭 AI Culture
👩💻🛠️🍏 WWDC
🗓️ 05. Jun 2023 18:30 CEST
Yes, Apple is inviting us for the upcoming WWDC 2023 🎉!
The opening keynote is the highlight of this conference, of course. Which rumors will turn out to be true? This will be super interesting not only for developers, product managers but for all tech enthusiasts out there.
A special event like this can only get better by experiencing it together. Get to know our app developers and product managers, exchange your thoughts and ideas and we will give you an impression of what app development looks like here at CHECK24.
So how about having a relaxed evening, discussing the live stream and the exciting developments and enjoying some delicious food 🍕🥗 and cool drinks 🥂🍺 on our Skyline roof terrace together with our app developers and product managers? CHECK24 is preparing the stage for this insightful event and invites you to our beautiful location in Frankfurt. Sign up and let’s cross the reality distortion field together at CHECK24 in Frankfurt ✨🤯!
check24 💚
Speicherstraße 55
60327 Frankfurt
🎭🕶️💬 XR Stammtisch
🗓️ 06. Jun 2023 18:00 CEST
Aufgrund einiger Neuerung hier nochmal ein Hinweis auf unseren XR Stammtisch. Dieser wird gemeinsam von Virtual Germany und NextReality.Hamburg organisiert und findet immer am ersten Dienstag des Monats in Virtual Reality, also Online, statt.
👩💻🪙⚖️ MiCA & AML Regulations
🗓️ 06. Jun 2023 18:30 CEST
The Dance of Control and Innovation in DAOs & DeFi
Our speaker Jake is legal counsel at brainbot, a web3 venture builder and service boutique.
Overview of MiCA's specific aspects that pertain to DAOs and DeFi protocols
The concept of smart contracts as "ownerless machines"
Leveraging the benefits of DeFi while adhering to regulatory frameworks.
The impact of the AML regulation on the structuring of compliant DeFi arrangements
brainbot ❤️
Taunusstr. 61
55120 Mainz
👩💻🛠️🧑🏫 Postgres
🗓️ 07. Jun 2023 08:30 CEST
EDB Open Source - Learning day
Besuchen Sie den EDB Open Source Learning Day in Frankfurt, eine exklusive Fortbildung veranstaltet von EDB. Sie haben die Möglichkeit an drei Workshops (High Availability und Postgres, Postgres für Kubernetes, Postgres Distributed), die je 90 und 180 Minuten dauern, teilzunehmen, sowie sich im Rahmen der Veranstaltung mit unseren Experten auszutauschen.
Hochstraße 4
60313 Frankfurt
🎓💡🌱 Unibator
🗓️ 07. Jun 2023 15:00 CEST
Du interessierst dich für Startups und möchtest unsere Unibator Startups kennenlernen? Oder möchtest du einfach nur mal wissen was wir beim Unibator so machen? Die Veranstaltung ist für alle die den Unibator noch nicht kennen, kennenlernen wollen oder auch schon lange kennen. Wir freuen uns euch bei uns im Goethe Unibator zu empfangen. Für ausreichend Snacks & Getränke wird gesorgt.
Unibator 💚
Bockenheimer Landstraße 133
60325 Frankfurt
👩💻🛠️💎 Ruby
🗓️ 07. Jun 2023 18:30 CEST
A deeper look into the ruby-openai gem
If you also want to speak, please come forward!
portagon 💚
Bleidenstraße 6
Frankfurt am Main
🇩🇪🤝🇨🇳 Intelligent Manufacturing
🗓️ 08. Jun 2023 14:00 CEST
Intelligent Manufacturing Investment and Cooperation Forum
Germany-China Intelligent Manufacturing Investment and Cooperation Forum 2023 aims to build a platform for executives and partners in the manufacturing space between the two countries to share insights into the latest industry development and promote cooperation and investment opportunities. The forum is organized by Plainvim Group, which provides AI-ready, high-quality, custom-built plants to Global Industry 4.0 manufacturers.
Hochstraße 4
60313 Frankfurt
Am Horizont 🔭
👥🧠🎭 AI Culture
🗓️ 13. Jun 2023 18:30 CEST
/IMAGINE… How is Artificial Intelligence changing our culture?
Panel Discussion with Ranga Yogeshwar, Boris Eldagsen, Björn Ommer and Franziska Nori
This is the first time that the machine has relied on what has defined humans and their civilisation for millennia: language.
It is the basis of our culture, politics, legislation, the financial market and man’s view of himself. The new AI applications are now hacking the human operating system.
With the widespread use of AI technology, society and all areas of human life are facing an epochal transformation. Technology is changing from a passive tool to an autonomously acting system that makes decisions on its own and can create new narratives. Artificial intelligence is thus advancing to become a communication partner (almost) at eye level, which is also predicted to have the potential for emotions and consciousness in the near future.
What is at stake is a fundamental shift in the relationship between humans and synthetic intelligence, in which it is important to clarify according to which influencing factors they behave in each case. Thus, the question arises whether there is a structure-preserving mapping of our reality in the digital world of numbers and correlations. On a deeper level, reality would dissolve in digitality.
If generating technologies deconstruct human reality and artificially reassemble it, what will this new reality look like? What role does language play when machine intelligence transforms it into mathematical models? In what balance of power will decisions be made? And ultimately, it all leads to the fundamental question of what constitutes being human?
Markt 44
60311 Frankfurt